Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Top 5 places to visit in Sri Lanka

1. Sigiriya

One of the seven world heritage sites in Sri Lanka, to my knowledge Sigiriya is the most visited site in Sri Lanka. It’s a fortress built on top of an 350M high rock and the surrounding gardens and the irrigation system is considered an great feet during the time Sigiriya was built. It is also world renowned for its frescoes which are found in some part of the rock walls. Another big reason why Sigiriya is so popular is that it is one day visit from Colombo, the main business city of the country, so for a one day getaway Sigiriya is great destination.

2. Ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa

Sri Lanka is country which has recorded history that goes back to 2500 years. Ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa are considered the first two capitals of Sri Lanka in the days when the country was ruled by the kings. There are many historical sites you can visit in both those cities and remains of old castles and temples are all around the city. You can visit famous Dagobas like Ruwan Weli Seya, Abhayagiriya, visit famous temples and admire the wonderful carvings and the statues of Lord Buddha, check out the painting that dates back thousands of years etc. There are museums if you want to grasp the history of the place before you go on looking at various places. Because of the vast amount of things you can see in both cities it is highly recommended that you hire a guide when you are visiting Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa , otherwise you might miss an important place.

3. Sacred city of Kandy and the surrounding temples

Temple of tooth relic or “Dhalada maligawa” as it is known in Sinhalese holds a teeth of Lord Buddha and is a sacred destination for Buddhists all over the world. The temple is a majestic building wild Gold painted roofs hug walls with elephant carvings and beautiful paintings and carving inside the temple. There are guide books and video guides available for you if you are interested in a guided tour. Although Kandy is famous for Temple of the tooth relic there are many other temples and ancient places for you to visit in the surrounding area. Ambakka temple is famous for its wooden carving with every wooden supporting bar of the temple having an unique carving. Then there’s the Gadaladeniya temple with its stone carving and old letters. Another popular tourist destination on the way to Kandy is the Pinnawela Elephant orphanage where you can see Elephants in semi wild life environment. Another great place to visit while you are in Kandy is the botanical gardens in Peradeniya where you can see beautiful floras and lots of rare plants.

4. Galle Fort

Galle fort was originally built by the Portuguese but it was the Dutch who modified it and made it the impressive fort it is today. It was built mainly to control the cinnamon trade but later on it served as a fortress to hold off invasions. Inside the Galle fort you can find few of the most preserved building from the colonial era with the beautiful churches inside the city being the prime examples. You can still see the remains of the old guns, fortifications and the canals dug to make Galle fort and impregnable fortress. One of the favorite things among locals is to go for a stroll in the fort walls during the evening and enjoy an ice cream or something a bit spicier.

5. Yala National Park

Yala national park is the most famous national park in Sri Lanka and it is definitely the one most visited by the tourists. Watching animals in there natural habitat is one of the main reasons tourists come to Sri Lanka and in that regards Yala is the best because of the wide variety of animals you can see in Yala. Deer, Wild boar, Crocodiles, Peacocks, and Buffaloes can be easily spotter. Leopard, Elephant and the bear are a bit hard to spot and it largely depends on the skill of your guide as well.

Other Places to Visit in Sri Lanka
For a small Island the amount of things to see in Sri Lanka is almost limitless. Below I will list down few of the places according to different categories. Whether you are interested in visiting historic sites, want to enjoy the sun while having a dip in the sea; want to watch the wildlife or just want to spend a relaxing holiday Sri Lanka got them all covered for you.
Historical places to see in Sri Lanka
With a recorded history of more than 2500 years there are plenty of ancient sites for you to see in Sri Lanka. The most famous ones are the Sigiriya, ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa and sacred city of Kandy which are mentioned above and which are also world heritage sites. Below are few other such places you should consider visiting if you are interested in visiting ancient sites in Sri Lanka.
  • Dambulla rock temple
Dambulla rock temple is another world heritage site that is situated very closely to Sigiriya. It is a temple made by carving the stone and even some of the statues of Buddha are carved using the same rock. The walls are covered with paintings and there is a large statue of Lord Buddha that is build recently. Unlike Sigiriya this is not a steep climb making it a quick trip.
  • Somawathie Dagoba near Trincomalee
The Somawathiya Chethiya is located by the bank of the River Mahaveli within the Somawathiya strict natural reserve and wildlife sanctuary. Sungawila is the last village we come across on the route to Somawathiya. Once we pass this village we are at Somawathiya strict natural reserve and wildlife sanctuary. It is said to have been the abode of 500 Arahat (supremely enlightened, who broke free from the suffering in the cosmos, the eternal cycle of birth, death & rebirth) Bhikkhus in the 2nd century BC.
  • Yapahuwa Old Fortress and the temple complex
Many interesting ruins are scattered in every direction. But the most important local ruin of all is the splendid though Short-lived rock fortress of Yapahuwa which some consider excels Sigiriya. The surviving stone work certainly does florid but exquisite.
Beaches in Sri Lanka
Being an island one things that Sri Lanka have in abandon are lovely beaches with pure white sand and clear blue waters. Sunbathing and sea bathing are two of the top tourists attractions in Sri Lanka and because of the end of the thirty year old civil war the isolated beaches in the eastern part of the island is also now accessible to the public. It is possible to sunbath and sea bath in almost any part of the island and there are hotels and lodges to accommodate people in most places as well. But below are few of the most popular ones.
  • Mount Lavinia Beach
The beach closest to Colombo it is just a 15 minutes drive from the main city of Colombo. Mount Lavinia hotel is the most famous of the hotels around but there are many other hotels around making a convenient place to enjoy the sun without going far away from the main city, ideal location for business travelers.
  • Beruwela/Benthota beach area
Another popular sun bathing destination close to Colombo but which has a lot more hotels for you to choose from and more private beaches away from the crowds
  • Nilaweli beach area
A beach in the eastern coast which was opened to public recently because of the end of the civil war. Considered as one of the most beautiful beaches in Asia with plenty of activities including whale watching and snorkeling.
Those are few of the lovely beaches available for you in Sri Lanka, for a more detailed information check out beaches in Sri Lanka
Wildlife watching in Sri Lanka
Preservation of wild life was a top priority of the government especially because of the rise of the tourism industry. As I mentioned above Yala National park is the most famous national part but there are plenty more places to watch animals in the natural habitat.
  • Udawalawe national park
There is a huge population of Elephant making it one of the best places to closely watch elephants.
  • Vilpattu national park
This park was closed to the public until very recently because of the war. But it has reopened again, but this is not as full as wild animals as the Yala and other national parks.
  • Wasgamuwa nature reserve
Another great place to watch elephants close up and bit notorious for elephant attacks as well.
There are plenty more national parks and forest reserves in Sri Lanka and they are spread throughout the country so you want have trouble finding one.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ayubowan - (You May Live Long)

Travel to Sri Lanka and make your dream Holiday come true! Holiday in Sri Lanka is ideal if you're looking forward to have fun, enjoy the sunshine and frolic in white sandy beaches. If you want to do bird watching, see wildlife paying a visit to Ceylon (as Sri Lanka known in back in time) will be a holiday you'll never forget. If you want to try out eco tourism tour, Sri Lanka is a marvelous place to spend your vacation. Sri Lanka is one place where you could be in harmony with nature like in no other place. By spending your holiday in Sri Lanka you'll get so much of entertainment out of cheaper trip. A Holiday in Sri Lanka means that you'll have loads of fun, experience a unique culture & heritage at a very affordable price. www.triptosrilanka.com , Sri Lanka Travel Directory is the web site giving the most comprehensive information on Ceylon. So if you are thinking of a Vacation in Sri Lanka you have come to the right place! At www.triptosrilanka.com you can find information about hotels in Sri Lanka, travel agents in Sri Lanka and about interesting topics like beaches in Sri Lanka, wildlife of Sri Lanka and bird watching in Sri Lanka.
Vacation in Sri Lanka would mean that you'll get to see beaches of Sri Lanka, wild life in Sri Lanka and much more like bird watching tours out of one cheaper trip. We can help you to plan your trip to Sri Lanka in a way you could experience the beauty of Sri Lanka. Since we have access to the necessary resources like travel agents in Sri Lanka, hotels in Sri Lanka, we could provide services which you met your requirement. Like if you want to try eco tourism or experience a unique south Asian culture you should visit Sri Lanka and we'll help you.
Sri Lankan Beaches are the most picturesque in the world. Soft sound of waves lapping in to the beach, endless strip of white sandy beaches contrasting with deep blue waters, coral reefs that are home to many types of tropical fish best describe what you will find when you visit Western & southern coastlines of this beautiful country. You could socialize with the warm friendly people out there and groove to the sunny vibes emitting from this beautiful tropical culture. For more info
Wild life in Sri Lanka is something you shouldn't miss out. This beautiful island is home to many types of exotic tropical fauna & flora. Bio diversity of this country is really rich, which makes this country a nature lover's paradise. For more info History of this country spans over a period of 2000 years, which is livid with many a colorful incident of regency and their doings. Times of wars, events of religious significance, coups and trysts with foreign elements color the odyssey of checkered history of "Serendib" as this island was known then. Many monuments pertaining to Buddhism & Hinduism, monuments built for aesthetic, medicinal purposes and for no other reason but to showoff the mightiness of the rulers were erected during the time of kingdoms like Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Yapahuwa, and Kandy etc.
All right enough said, start packing your luggage to have the most wonderful time of your life. Have a nice trip!


Monday, March 14, 2011

9 Reasons to Visit Sri Lanka By Lasith



1. Where the Elephants Roam

Sadly not as much anymore.  Over hunting during the British colonial period has left the Sri Lankan Asian Elephant endangered.  Recent conservation efforts attempt to rebuild the local elephant population and visitors have several opportunities to see and interact with these majestic animals.

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National Parks like Wasgamuwa allow you to capture a glimpse of these animals in the wild, while conservation centers like the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage, the worlds largest heard of captive elephants, give you a chance to get up close and personal.

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2. Magnificent Remains from Ancient Times

Sri Lanka’s documented history dates back over 2,500 years to 543 BC when King Vijaya became Sri Lanka’s first monarch.  Remains of architectural wonders from ancient Sinhalese kingdoms are still present today.  Most notable are those of the 5th century rock fortress “Sigiriya” built in the shape of a crouching lion.

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3. Rich Colonial Heritage

For over three centuries parts of Sri Lanka had remained under the rule of various colonial powers.  Beginning with the Portuguese in the 16th century, followed by the Dutch in the 17th and the British in the 18th and early 19th centuries, they have each left behind their legacy.  From the Dutch Fort in Galle to British architecture in Nuwara Eliya, remnants of Sri Lanka’s colonial past are found dotted across the country today.

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4. Golden Sands and Sunny Beaches

As an island nation, Sri Lanka is surrounded by the Indian Oceana.  A trip to Sri Lanka is not complete without surfing, body boarding or just laying under the sun on its golden beaches that have been a tourist mainstay for years.

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5. Explore Nature and Wildlife

A fast growing destination for eco-tourism, Sri Lanka’s 22 national parks, including 2 marine, are home to several indigenous species of flora and fauna.  Trek through national parks in Horton Plains to see some scenic waterfalls and blossoming flowers or Wasgamuwa to spots deer or leopards.

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6. Land of Buddha

Although a largely diverse population, nearly 70% of the country is Buddhist.  Since the introduction of Buddhism to the country by King Devanampiya Tissa of the 3rd century BC, it has been an integral part of the country’s culture.  A tour of the country is not complete without a visit to some of the ancient and modern, life sized Buddha statues and temples.
The Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy is revered by Buddhists worldwide and is said to hold a relic of the Buddha’s left canine tooth.

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7. Colorful People

The locals pride themselves on their Sri Lankan hospitality.  This is not just something you taste in the spicy curry dishes, but also in the beaming smiles.  During my travels I chatted with several locals, such as Laal the rock fisherman, who was happy to chat and share his life with me.  During your visit, I certainly recommend taking a little time to meet some of the people you pass by.

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8. The Home of Tea

Sri Lanka is one of the world’s largest tea exporters with over 20% market share by volume.  “Ceylon Tea” is also one of the few commodities that command a premium, fetching about 50% more than competitors at auction markets.  Surprisingly however tea is not native to Sri Lanka and was a gift by British colonists such as the famed tea grower Sir James Lipton.  Today, Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka’s highlands is the world’s tea capital.

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9. A Photographer’s Paradise

Be sure to pack your favorite camera during your visit – A combination of sunny, yet cloudy skies and lush green landscapes, truly makes Sri Lanka a photographer’s paradise!

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Source - 9 reasons to visit Sri Lanka in 30 pictures from Lasith Lansakara of Discovering Serendipity